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73 years after the birth of Israel and the “Nakba” (‘catastrophe’), Rothschild 16, where Israel’s declaration of independence took place, is still a popular location for different tour guides who highlight diverse narratives of the event.
The film discusses the formation of memory surrounding a historical site with a dual meaning.

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Screening Schedule:
  • Thu 01.07 | 19:15 | Cinematheque 4
  • Watch online | The film will be available from July 1st at 7:15 p.m. until July 11th

Noam Israel (Born 1991, Tel Aviv) is a film student for a B.A at Tel Aviv University (4th year). In her studies, she focuses on documentary as a director and editor. This is her first short film.

Production Company: Tel-Aviv University
Editing: Saleh Saadi
Cinematography: Yoav Biran
Sound Design: Rotem Dror
