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A broken string, fractured echo chamber, rusting valves. 100 musicians meet for four days of rehearsals. They speak different languages. Their instruments are broken.
An orchestra of professional and amateur musicians, young and old, set out on a journey against all odds, to a one-time concert.
The film traces the creative process from collecting the instruments, to workshops, to three composers and intensive rehearsals, to the night of the performance.
Hidden among the cracks, we discover a lyrical and engaging take on the members of the orchestra, on what is broken and whole and on the determined attempt, if only for a moment, to create harmony in a discordant city.

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Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 03.07 | 21:15 | Cinematheque 1 | Filmmaker Present
  • Thu 08.07 | 12:00 | Cinematheque 3
  • Sat 10.07 | 12:00 | Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present | Q&A with filmmaker Yuval Hameiri, moderated by Ofir Feldman
  • Watch online | The film will be available from July 1st until July 31st

Yuval Hameiri, born in Haifa (1987), is a non-disciplinary artist working in film, theatre, and performance.
His works combine object-theatre with documentary cinema, stage with screen, humor with pain.
His art seeks after the poetics of everyday life and the relationship between matter and meaning.

Co-Director: Michal Vaknin
Production Company: Mekudeshet, Jerusalm Season of Culture
Cinematography: Chen Wagshall, Yuval Hameiri
Research: Emmanuel Witzthum, Ayelet Givoni, Meital Ofer
Music: Nizar Elkhater, Maya Dunietz, Dudu Tassa, Tom Cohen
