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A look inside the work of Breaking the Silence, an organization of former IDF combat soldiers who collect and publish testimonies of soldiers who served in the occupied territories. For six months, director Silvina Landsmann, camera in hand, accompanied the staff of the organization. The many hours of footage have been refined into a film that dives into the heart of Breaking the Silence’s work: guided tours of Hebron and the surrounding area, public lectures and house meetings, internal staff meetings and media strategy. All the while the organization is forced to justify its very existence, both internally and to the broader public, and to justify its place in the political debate. The Good Soldier raises questions about Israel’s dynamic mainstream and the challenges of confronting it.

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Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 03.07 | 16:15 | Cinematheque 3 | Filmmaker Present
  • Tue 06.07 | 21:30 | Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present | Q&A with the filmmaker after the screening
  • Watch online | The film will be available from July 1st until July 31st

Silvina Landsmann’s films examine organizations and institutions, and are characterized by her observational style. She immigrated to Israel as a child, escaping the Argentine military regime. After studying and beginning filmmaking, Landsmann founded an independent production company to produce her films, earning international recognition. ‘The Good Soldier’ is her sixth film.

Production: Silvina Landsmann, Pierre-Olivier Bardet, Christoph Menardi
Production Company: Comino Films, Ideale Audience, Neos Films
Editing: Tal Shefi
Sound Design: Ami Arad


Supporters & Broadcasters: Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée, Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, German Federal Film Board - FFA, CCFD - Terre solidaire