Austria 2022, 72 min, English, Hebrew subtitles

After more than a decade of thrilling underwater encounters, Patrick Dykstra admits that Dolores is probably the being he feels closest to in the whole world. Patrick is a videographer who documents whales, and Dolores is one of two females who let him get practically as close to them as he wants. He follows the whales in regions where humankind’s deadly influence is minimal, diving with entire pods, lone whales, groups of young males, and females with their calves. This truly breathtaking film follows Patrick through close encounters with the marine giants as he tries to communicate with them and understand their experience of life in the depths, their community, and the thoughts that form in their brains—the biggest of any other mammal.

Previous Festivals: TIFF

MARK FLETCHER has been a wildlife film editor, writer for over 25 years, and has worked with leading wildlife filmmakers Hugo van Lawick, Howard Hall, and Alan Root. Films that he has produced, edited or written have won over 50 Emmys: Bringing up Baby (2010), Himalayas (2010), Animal House (2011).

Production: Walter Köhler, Wolfgang Knöpfler
Production Company: Terra Mater Studios
Editing: Mark Fletcher
Cinematography: Gail Jenkinson, Rupert Murray, Patrick Dykstra
Sound Design: Bernhard Zorzi
Music: H. Scott Salinas, Matt Atticus Berger

Source: Terra Mater Studios GmbH

Supporters & Broadcasters: Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv