14 Paintings

In carefully framed and precisely timed shots, fourteen paintings hang still, surrounded by random human moments. The surprising relationships that develop between each painting and the people around it reveal a slice of everyday life in today’s China.

Agent of Happiness

Amber, a happiness agent sent by the Kingdom of Bhutan, travels the small country to meet the locals and find out what makes them happy, all while searching for fulfillment and love himself. A fascinating glimpse into a beautiful and secluded country, as seen through the eyes of its people.

April in France

A glimpse into the rich and imaginative kingdom of childhood, as seen through the eyes of five-year-old April, who goes on holiday in a village in France and transforms the lives of the adults around her.

Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story

A breathtaking and heartwarming National Geographic production about an unlikely bond between a lonely man and a friendly otter, set against the breathtaking backdrop of an island and a bay in Scotland.

Black Snow

A riveting journalistic thriller about a Siberian housewife and mother of three who posts a video exposing the pollution caused by the coal mine near her home, and her overnight transformation into an “enemy of the people” and a fearless activist.

Daughter of Genghis

An impressive and impactful documentary that skillfully weaves together drama, politics, and even mysticism to tell the story of a single mother who sets out to save the Mongolian people—her people—by ensuring their blood remains pure. But can she save herself?


To stand on the edge of a cliff and throw your body into the wind, one has to be willing to lose everything. This is the story of three couples addicted to the intoxicating thrills of the world's deadliest challenge: BASE jumping.

Marching in the Dark

Aiming to break the cycle of debt and climate chaos that has driven their spouses to their end, this visually and emotionally powerful documentary follows the lives of widows in rural India as they rediscover their strength.

Maya and the Wave

A high-adrenaline sports documentary centered on Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira, whose passion for the big waves led her to overcome all the obstacles—natural and human—on her way to the world championship.

Menus-Plaisirs—Les Troisgros

Master of observation Frederick Wiseman dedicates his new film to La Maison Troisgros, a well-orchestrated three-Michelin-star family restaurant—a paradise for foodies and appreciators of refined aesthetics.


In a cramped apartment of less than 6 square meters, a young Chinese man tries to create a utopian hippie-Maoist haven. The camera stays incredibly close to him and his friends, drawing us into the smoke cloud of inspiration and oblivion that surrounds their miniature cosmos.

Silent Trees

After a tragic incident at the Belarusian–Polish border, a Kurdish girl who fled to Europe with her family is forced to grow up quickly to raise her four brothers and fulfill her own dreams.

The First Days

Chile. Ocean. Beach. Seaweed. Ocean floor. Rocks. Sun. Wind. Dogs. Cars. Rust. Wind. Music. Noise. Silence. Both anthropological and lyrical, this portrait of a place is like a freely improvised song from an unknown culture.

The Medallion

Ruth sets out to investigate the history of a precious family heirloom: a medallion that signifies the struggles, successes, and hopes of her mother - a survivor of Ethiopia’s Red Terror.

Where We Used To Sleep

Valeria is one of the last few remnants of a once-thriving village now sinking into toxic water. A sensitive and beautiful debut film about a woman whose heart overflows with longing for a different time as she bears witness to an ecological disaster.