Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story

A breathtaking and heartwarming National Geographic production about an unlikely bond between a lonely man and a friendly otter, set against the breathtaking backdrop of an island and a bay in Scotland.

Black Snow

A riveting journalistic thriller about a Siberian housewife and mother of three who posts a video exposing the pollution caused by the coal mine near her home, and her overnight transformation into an “enemy of the people” and a fearless activist.


Sand, gravel, water, and cement blend together into a liquid that covers the land and solidifies. Thus, on the slopes of rocky hills, alongside a stream that flows into the sea, Ir Yamim neighborhood was born.

Marching in the Dark

Aiming to break the cycle of debt and climate chaos that has driven their spouses to their end, this visually and emotionally powerful documentary follows the lives of widows in rural India as they rediscover their strength.

The Water Front

The Waterfront follows young activists fighting for access to a river, engulfed by Kibbutz Nir David. As public outcry and the reverberations of protest intensify, the struggle becomes increasingly entrenched, drawing both sides into an emotional, political, and social whirlwind.

Valley Pride

In the heart of the Californian desert, there is an upside-down world where nature is reinvented through the interface of man, machine, and the lust for profit. A disturbing snapshot of reality underscored by a hypnotic electronic hum and monumental visuals.

Where We Used To Sleep

Valeria is one of the last few remnants of a once-thriving village now sinking into toxic water. A sensitive and beautiful debut film about a woman whose heart overflows with longing for a different time as she bears witness to an ecological disaster.


A magical and beautiful wildlife documentary about a couple who decide to heal their land—a countryside estate in the south of England—by rewilding it. The incredible result is a refreshing dose of optimism that breathes hope into the possibility of ecological regeneration.

Woman and the Glacier

This is the portrait of a place—a glacier of immense proportions—and a woman—a Lithuanian scientist dedicating her life to studying the effects of climate change on the glacier. It is a wordless story about yearning for solitude and nature's boundless beauty.