Netherlands / France / Germany 2023, 87 min, English, Dutch, French and German, Hebrew & English subtitles

A commonly accepted response to the perennial question “What is art?” is “Anything displayed in a museum.” This paradigm, along with much of what the world knew about art, shifted when a readymade porcelain urinal was repurposed and placed in a museum. Nearly a century later, “Fountain,” widely synonymous with Marcel Duchamp, remains a world-famous sensation, but as the myth surrounding the piece grew, so did the doubts about the artist’s true identity. In this whimsically eye-catching film, visual artist Barbara Visser uncovers the forgotten history of the key to the mystery—a German Dadaist named Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven—and launches into an amusing and imaginative investigation filled with copies and versions of what may or may not be the true original.

Previous Festivals: IDFA

Screening Schedule:
  • Thu 23.05 |17:30 |Cinematheque 1 לרכישה
  • Sat 25.05 |12:30 |Tel Aviv Museum - Assia Auditorium לרכישה | A short introduction by Galit Landau-Epstein, Associate Curator of Contemporary Art.
  • Fri 31.05 |13:30 |Cinematheque 4 לרכישה

My life and work are driven by curiosity and a productive form of discontent.
The aim to make sense of the world takes shape in many forms, from conversations to speculations and from snapshots to feature films.
I’m interested in existing images from different ages: how, why, when and by who they are produced, assembled and how do time, context and chance influence their interpretation today?
By questioning objectivity, memory and belief systems, I aim to provoke a new perception of what normality often renders invisible.
Currently I’m heading the master program “F for Fact” at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam (NL), which runs until 2024.
- 2023 / Alreadymade
- 2018 / The End of Fear
- 2012 / C.K.

Production: Zelda Nieuwenhuis, Judith Reuten
Cinematography: Gregor Meerman, Joost van Herwijnen
Research: Bart Haensel, Fem Verbeek, Lola Beekhuijzen, Andrea Wiarda, Ray Segal, Ilja Willems, Hank O’Neal, Julia van Haaften, Petra Ponfoort, Marie Camdessus
Sound Design: Tijn Hazen
Music: Artem Belogurov, Menno van Delft

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