Israel 2024, 90 min, Hebrew and Arabic, English subtitles

The story of the eviction of the Bedouin village of Umm al Hiran in 2017, which ended in the death of two people: Ya’acob Abu Al-Qiann,a resident of the village and a teacher at a local school, and Erez Amedi Levy, a police officer who participated in the eviction . Death in Umm Al Hiran lays out the entire course of events, from the story of the village and their fight against the eviction, through the night of the incident, the investigation of “Machash” (The department of internal police investigations) that followed, their conclusions and also strives to understand how this affair became a political event and a confrontation between the most powerful and influential figures in the country.

Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 25.05 | 19:30 | Cinematheque 3 | Filmmaker Present
  • Tue 28.05 | 18:00 | Cinematheque 1 | Filmmaker Present
  • יום ה' 30.05 | 17:30 | Cinematheque 2
  • שבת 01.06 | 14:45 | Cinematheque 5
  • שבת 01.06 | 21:00 | Cinematheque 5

Doron Djerassi is an acclaimed Israeli documentary director and editor,
Graduated from the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film & Television School.

Production: Rafael Balulu, Emmanuel Berrebi
Production Company: BFILMS
Script: Doron Djerassi
Editing: Doron Djerassi, Additional editing: Boaz Leon
Cinematography: Avner Shahaf
Research: Doron Djerassi, Noa Borstein Hadad
Sound Design: Ronen Nagel
Music: Amotz Plessner
Art Director: Adam Lewensohn
Visual Research: Lily Yudinsky

Supporters & Broadcasters: Yes Docu, Makor Foundation for Israeli Films, MiDarom Film Fund , The New Fund for Cinema and TV