Lithuania 1992, 25 min, Lithuanian, Hebrew & English subtitles

Moments of interaction between people, animals, and their surroundings are translated into incredibly evocative and visually powerful cinematic fragments in the film that unveiled Audrius Stonys’ singular poetic perspective on reality. It is a show of purpose for the art of cinematic assembly, the secret of Stonys’ work—the soundtrack that alters our perception of what the camera captures, surprising and sometimes confusing camera angles that compel us to look twice, and editing that invites us to sharpen our senses and try to solve the riddle. Stonys himself has said that “the film came into reality while trying to answer a question: How can one film the invisible?”

The restored copy of the film was loaned by Meno Avilys organization

Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 25.05 |16:30 |Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה

מפיק ובמאי קולנוע, חתן פרס ליטא לתרבות ואומנות. סרטיו זכו בפרסים בינלאומיים רבים. ב-1992 זכה סרטו Earth of the Blind בפרס הסרט הדוקומנטרי הטוב ביותר של האקדמיה האירופית לקולנוע.

Supporters & Broadcasters: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel , Lithuanian Film Center