Lithuania 1998, 10 min, Lithuanian, Hebrew & English subtitles

While working on another film, documentary poet Audrius Stonys and his crew stayed at a hotel with a therapeutic bathhouse. Stonys was drawn to the place, to the healing magic of the bubbling baths, mud treatments, and bare-skinned patients waiting for the soothing, cleansing touch of natural substances. Time stands still in this strange place, where women and men, stripped of their modesty and distinguishing personal effects, surrender completely to their rituals. Beautiful in its simplicity, this short and concise doc was captured on film that yellows with age—a process that mimics the changes that occur in the human body.

Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 25.05 |16:30 |Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה

מפיק ובמאי קולנוע, חתן פרס ליטא לתרבות ואומנות. סרטיו זכו בפרסים בינלאומיים רבים. ב-1992 זכה סרטו Earth of the Blind בפרס הסרט הדוקומנטרי הטוב ביותר של האקדמיה האירופית לקולנוע.

Production: Audrius Stonys
Production Company: Studio „Laukas“, Lithuanian film studio
Editing: Vanda Survilienė
Cinematography: Vladas Naudžius

Supporters & Broadcasters: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel , Lithuanian Film Center

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