Poland / France / Ukraine 2023, 84 min, Russian, French, Polish and Ukrainian, Hebrew & English subtitles

With danger lurking at every turn, a minibus navigates the broken roads of the Ukrainian war zone, rescuing locals and taking them to safety, with the filmmaker behind the wheel. Inside, the camera alternates between two fixed positions: one facing the road, one facing the ever-changing passengers—hollow-eyed mothers describing the horrors they have seen, an elderly woman reminiscing fondly about the cow she left behind, youngsters making sarcastic remarks about the Russian “liberators”. As the refugees talk about the past, the camera looks ahead into an uncertain future, capturing a desolate landscape of ghost towns, tank wrecks, and military checkpoints. The stories of these unremarkable victims of war form an intimate road trip documentary that leaves a profound emotional impact.

Previous Festivals: Sheffield, TIFF, IDFA, Cannes Film Festival - ACID Program, Millenium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, DOKUFEST, CPH:DOX, Thessaloniki Documentary Festival

Screening Schedule:

Maciek Hamela, born in Warsaw, Poland, he received a master's degree from Sorbonne University (Paris IV) in French literature and graduated from EICAR. He is a longtime BBC Channel collaborator. A co-creator and a producer of a documentary short film Bless You, for which he received a Doc Alliance Award (Cannes 2021), the short was also presented at Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF. He produced many awarded documentaries such as Convictions (MDR Film Prize for an outstanding Eastern European documentary film at Dok Leipzig IFF 2016). Being a director and a producer of various radio works he has received the Silver Melchior Radio Award in the Polish Radio Reporters National Competition. He produced and co-directed Plan B, a documentary podcast series for Audioteka.

Production: Piotr Grawender, Affinity Cine, Maciek Hamela, Pemplum
Editing: Piotr Ogiński
Cinematography: Yura Dunay, Wawrzyniec Skoczylas, Marcin Sierakowski, Piotr Grawender
Sound Design: Marcin Lenarczyk
Music: Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz

Supporters & Broadcasters: The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv