Israel 2024, 70 min, Hebrew, Hebrew & English subtitles

The Last Righteous Man portrays the story of the Abuhazira family, a Jewish-Moroccan dynasty that has been leading Jewish-Moroccan and Israeli communities for two centuries. Through the story of Baba Sali and his younger brother Baba Khaki, the film reveals a story of a Moroccan aristocratic rabbinical family and its transformation to a leading family in Israel. The film w
moves between Morocco and Israel, from the great wave of immigration from Morocco to present-day Israel, through the biography of Baba Sali and Baba Khaki, and the public activity of the second generation: Rabbi Baruch Abuhzira and Aharon Abuhzira, who took the reins of leadership, shaping Israeli culture, society and politics.

Official Website

Screening Schedule:
  • יום ב' 27.05 |20:00 |Cinematheque 1 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה
  • Tue 28.05 |12:15 |Cinematheque 1 לרכישה
  • יום ד' 29.05 |14:45 |Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה

Rafael Balulu, director and screenwriter. Graduated from the Sam Spiegel Film School in Jerusalem.

Production: Rafael Balulu, Emmanuel Berrbei
Production Company: BFILMS
Script: Rafael Balulu, Sharon Alovik
Editing: Sharon Alovik
Cinematography: Dror Lebendiger, Adir Babi Benisty, Additional Shooting: Vladimir Belinski
Research: Rachel Nechushtai, Avidan Ehrenberg
Sound Design: Yossi Appelbaum
Music: Gal Lev
Initial editing: Dudi Oren
Art Director: Erez Gavish

Supporters & Broadcasters: The New Fund for Cinema and TV, Gesher Multicultural Film Fund, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, HOT8