Israel / United States 2024, 19 min, Hebrew, English subtitles

Mountains and parental bereavement – monolithic and belittling, incomprehensible on a human scale. Their constant presence challenges the inevitable movement of the film’s protagonists from their deceased children. The parents and their homes change, against the backdrop of death’s immutable presence. Meditations on parenting in the voices of the bereaved parents outline the moving distance of memory.

Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 25.05 |14:45 |Cinematheque 2 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה
  • יום ה' 30.05 |20:00 |Cinematheque 5 לרכישה

Yuval graduated from the prestigious film programs: Berlinale Talent Sarajevo, Zurich Film Festival Academy, and European Short Pitch. He's a member of the Brooklyn Film Collective, and holds graduate degrees in both filmmaking and visual anthropology.

Production: Yuval Shapira, Ilya Marcus, Kathryn Everett, Noam Argov
Editing: Yuval Shapira
Cinematography: Ilya Marcus
Sound Design: Rotem Dror
Music: Daniel Kiczales

Supporters & Broadcasters: Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation for the Arts, Artizan Fund

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