Lithuania 2006, 30 min, Lithuanian, Hebrew & English subtitles

A young woman is massaging an older woman’s wrinkles. Another woman is lying in bed, yawning, not yet fully awake. A man is running a marathon, breathing hard, sweating with effort. A group of people are lying on the grass and letting out big bursts of laughter. These beautiful, mysterious, and meticulously crafted vignettes appear one by one with no explanation. At first, they seem unconnected; then, slowly, a meditative essay emerges—about transience, harmony between humans and their environment, and clinging to life through the human body, shown here in all its beauty, capability, and finitude.

Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 25.05 |16:30 |Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present לרכישה

מפיק ובמאי קולנוע, חתן פרס ליטא לתרבות ואומנות. סרטיו זכו בפרסים בינלאומיים רבים. ב-1992 זכה סרטו Earth of the Blind בפרס הסרט הדוקומנטרי הטוב ביותר של האקדמיה האירופית לקולנוע.

Production: Arunas Stoskus
Production Company: Studija 2
Script: Audrius Stonys
Editing: Danielius Kokanauskis
Cinematography: Audrius Kemezys
Sound Design: Viktoras Juzonis
Music: Vidmantas Bartulis, Johann Johannsson, Giedrius Puskunigis

Supporters & Broadcasters: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel , Lithuanian Film Center